Intentional Influencing

bringing potential to reality

Strategic Sales & High Performing Team Experts

"Set your course by the stars, not by the lights of every passing ship."

- Omar Bradley

Here's how we can help

Intentional Influencing is strategic sales specialist company for sales teams, sales leaders, and businesses without a sales strategy, or plan, across the globe.

We are high performing team specialists, in any industry. Working with senior leaders to ensure their teams are performing at their best. The practices for sales teams work across any team - high performing behaviours, self awareness, self leadership, and the ability to lead others to perform.

Intentional Influencing will equip you with the resources and tools needed to grow your business or take it to the next level. Our experienced experts will share with you their industry secrets on how to generate sales and influence your results.

Our Services

With consultation & evaluation we work out the best approach for you or your team.

Call +64 21944613 to chat more or email

Our workshops assist in getting the best out of your sales teams

Workshops for sales growth & performance

Sales Strategy Planning & Execution

Sales Playbook for teams

Training & Induction Programmes

Fundamentals of Selling for Sales people

Sales Leadership programme - workshop, coaching & development

Teams & Individuals

High Performing Teams Workshop

Allocating & Prioritising Time Workshop

Fierce Conversations - Finding the voice in your leadership

Coaching/Mentoring; Leadership

360 Leadership Assessments

Net Promoter Score Survey (Team & Customers)

eDISC Behavioural Profiling Tools

Self Awareness & Awareness of others; a fun interactive team building exercise for teams and individuals

Watch this video for more information

What's coming up?

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